The International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS)
(No longer valid after incorporation January 1998)
PROLOGUE: The International Carnivorous Plant Society is a non-profit
organization of individuals worldwide who voluntarily associated
themselves into a society under the following by-laws:
Art. I: NAME. The Society shall be known as the INTERNATIONAL
CARNIVOROUS PLANT SOCIETY (approved abbreviation-ICPS), its address
being the Fullerton Arboretum, California State University, Fullerton,
CA. 92634. Membership cards for identification and privilege purposes
shall be issued from this address upon initial membership and renewal
each year.
Art. II: PURPOSE. ICPS is a membership of botanists, horticulturists,
plant hobbyists and enthusiasts dedicated to all the following aspects
of carnivorous plants. Botany (morphology, taxonomy, systematics,
physiology, ecology and history), horticulture (cultivation,
propagation, exchange of materials, hybridization and selection and
naming and registration of cultivars), conservation, publication and
exchange of information on all aspects of carnivorous plants. All of
the above practiced within the framework of laws and regulations
regarding import, export, and interstate exchanges of such plant
- Qualifications --- Any individual with an interest in carnivorous
plants and the Society, and who is willing to abide by these
by-laws as well as the generally accepted ethics of botanical
and horticultural practice, and who submits a proper application
with required dues to the Executive Committee may qualify for
membership which is open worldwide.
- Members in good standing --- Members of the Society shall be
regarded to be in good standing if they continue to fulfill the
requirements in section (1) above, including continued payment
of yearly dues.
- Dues --- Dues shall be set by regulation of the Executive
Committee and they shall represent as accurately as possible the
actual cost of Society operations to be paid by the members.
Dues shall be assessed upon application to the Society and shall
again become due and payable by the first day of January of each
calendar year, and will be in arrears if not remitted by the
first day of April of that year. Renewals dues will be billed
by the Society.
- Membership categories --- These shall be Individual or
Institutional: the latter being assessed the same rate as an
- Membership privileges --- Each member shall be entitled to:
- a.
- one vote in all elections,
- b.
- attendance at all general and regional meetings,
- c.
- receive a subscription to Carnivorous Plants Newsletter,
- d.
- the privilege of submitting publishable material to
the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter and other Society publications.
- e.
- participation in such special society activities as
the seed bank, possible plant exchanges, etc.
- f.
- take part in all other functions of the Society to be
established for members in the future.
- Members not in good standing --- Members shall be deemed by the
Executive Committee not to be in good standing if they fail to
abide by these by-laws and requirements as stated in sections
(1) and (2) of this article. Members not in good standing by
virtue of delinquent dues who wish to be reinstated may do so by
simple payment of such dues. Members not in good standing for
other reasons must reapply to the Executive Committee. The
Executive Committee may elect to terminate the membership, to
require a period of probation or to reinstitute membership
promptly according to circumstances.
- Membership list--- A complete membership list shall be maintained
continuously and to date in mail code and alphabetical order by
the Society headquarters. Society members may acquire a copy of
the membership list issued as a directory periodically at the
discretion of the Executive Committee responsible to the desires
of the membership. The list shall be the property of the
Society and may be lent, rented or sold by the Executive
Committee to other societies, commercial organizations and
non-profit organizations if considered in good taste and if the
use of the list by another organization may constitute some
informational or other benefit to the Society members.
Individual Society members may not lend, give, rent or sell the
membership list, and such act may constitute grounds for
dismissal from the Society. Members may wish not to have their
names in a directory and/or mailing list and may so inform the
Society office of their desire.
- Officers.
- a.
- Elected-President, vice president (president elect),
- b.
- Appointed by President: (with no vote in executive
committee) Society managing secretary-treasurer,
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter editor(s).
- c.
- Term of elected officer --- Two calendar years
- Executive Committee.
- a.
- Composition --- The elected and non-elected officers in
section (1) of this article shall comprise the Executive
Committee, only the elected officers having vote.
- b.
- Executive Committee meetings --- These shall be held at
least annually or more often as business dictates,
generally on sixty (60) days notice to the Society
except in an emergency declared by the President.
Meetings may be held by conference phone call if
geographically more convenient and business is
sufficiently light for such a conference. The Executive
Committee meetings shall be attended by all elected and
non-elected officers (at least two voting officers
required for a quorum), pertinent committee chairpersons
with business before the officers, and Society members
with special business who have applied for and been
accepted on the agenda by the elected officers. Proper
minutes of all such meetings shall be accurately
recorded and will be available to all Society members.
- c.
- Functions of the Executive Committee --- These shall be
the combined functions of the officers as listed further
on in this article, and includes establishing policy,
regulations and rules on such matters as dues, setting
of committees and chairpersons, evaluation of Society
and committees activities and progress, recommendations
to the membership at large, relationships with other
groups and societies, educational an informational
activities, and approving editorial policies of the
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter and other Society
- Duties of the officers.
- a.
- President --- The president shall officiate at all general
Society and Executive Committee meetings and appoint
committees and chairpersons as deemed necessary and/or
useful by the members of the Executive Committee, and
shall act in a general leadership role and as the
Society's liaison representative to individuals and
groups within the bounds of the by-laws.
- b.
- Vice President --- The vice president shall be the
president-elect and shall fulfill presidential duties in
the latter's absence.
- c.
- Secretary-Treasurer --- The secretary-treasurer shall keep
an accurate record (or directly supervise and sign such
record keeping) of all official Society business and
meetings, and shall supervise and record matters of the
treasurer including an annual report of the finances of
the Society. The secretary-treasurer may engage the
assistance of accounting experts as required and within
- d.
- Society Managing Secretary-Treasurer --- The Managing
Secretary-Treasurer shall be a paid individual who shall
see to the daily managing of the Society and its office
including records, filing, mailings, correspondence,
financial transactions approved by the Executive
Committee and elected Secretary- Treasurer, detailed
arrangements, membership records.
- e.
- Editor(s) --- The editor(s) of Carnivorous Plant
Newsletter and other Society publications shall be
appointed by the Executive Committee and serve for an
indefinite term. Editorial work may be volunteer or the
Executive Committee may elect to fund such work through
an agreeable equitable arrangement. If more than one
editor is appointed, and they are equivalent
(coeditors), all may attend Executive Committee
meetings. The editor(s) shall supervise and edit
publications, primarily the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
but also other publications that may originate
centrally. The editor(s) may utilize such assistants in
their task as deemed necessary with the approval of the
Executive Committee and within appropriate financial
restrictions. The editor(s) may delineate consistent
publication policies, but always with the approval of
the Executive Committee who in itself may initiate
publication policy.
- Election of elective officers.
Elected terms of office shall run for two calendar years.
Terminating midnight of 31 December US PST of the second year.
On 1 January of the ensuing year, The President-elect shall
elevate to the Presidency if the previous President has not been
re-elected for a second term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also
take office that date, and non-elected officer's appointment made.
An elected officer, if he chooses to serve and is re-elected may
serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Non-elected officers
may serve indefinitely at the discretion of the Executive
Committee. By 1 June of the Second year of his term, the
President shall appoint a nominating committee of five from
the society membership, the committee to be composed of individuals
not in office (elected or non-elected) or employed by the Society.
The nominating committee shall promptly submit a nominating list
with at least one Society member in good standing as candidate
for each office to be elected that term. Nominations may also be
made by the membership at large by mail of a petition consisting
of 2.5 percent of the membership in good standing and sent to the
President by 1 July of an election year. The signatures and
candidates on all such petitions to be members in good standing,
and with any signature appearing only once among possible
multiple petitions for any one office. The President shall
close all nominations by 1 August of an election year, the
Managing Secretary-Treasurer having reviewed all petitions for
authenticity and validity. It shall be the President's
responsibility to notify nominees generated by the nominating
committee if the nominee declines so that if necessary, another
nominee may be selected. Those who initiate petitions from the
membership at large shall be responsible for notifying the
prospective candidate of their intentions, and petition nominees
may also decline nomination before 1 August of an election year.
Nominees who do not choose to run for office shall make their
positions known to the President as promptly as possible so
elections may proceed in an orderly manner. In September of an
election year, a ballot shall be mailed to all members in good
standing of the Society, listing the candidates for office,
providing a brief (25-50 words) description of the candidate's
interests and experience. The Society members shall return
their marked ballots with one vote for each office to be elected
within 21 days of date of mailing. Write-in candidates and
votes shall not be counted. A plurality of votes cast in each
office shall be elective, The list of elected officers shall be
announced in the following issue of the Carnivorous Plant
- The official organ of the Society shall be THE CARNIVOROUS
PLANT NEWSLETTER (approved abbreviation--CPN), owned and
operated by the Society and published from the Society office.
All Society members in good standing shall receive this regular
publication which shall contain articles of general, botanical
and horticultural interest as well as timely news and
announcements of interest to the members including updates on
such Society functions as seed bank, plant exchanges, regional
and general meetings, business of the Society, etc. Editor(s)
of CPN shall be chosen as detailed in Art. IV, section 3.e.
The general policy of the publication shall be a suitable
mixture of technical and scientific material along with lighter
popular items. Policies regarding content, direction and
operation of CPN will be delineated by the editor(s) with the
approval of the Executive Committee which may also initiate
policy (Art. IV, section 3.e) at its discretion. All material
for publication in CPN must be submitted by Society members in
good standing (at least one author of multiple authorship
material), except in special instances when editor(s) may
solicit material from a specialist non-member which the
editor(s) feels may be of particular interest and value.
Separate subscriptions to CPN shall not be sold to individuals
who are not Society members. Separate subscriptions without
membership may, however, be sold to libraries, botanical gardens
(public and private), nurseries, educational institutions who do
not wish to be institutional members.
- From time to time, the Society may produce other publications
of special interest to members. These publications shall be
edited by the CPN editor(s), and will be furnished free to
members or sold at a reasonable non-profit cost depending on the
nature and expense of such publication. Such publications of
special nature, whether free to Society members or sold to them,
may be sold to non-members but never given free. Sales to
non-members shall always be at a higher price margin, the latter
to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Art. VI: MEETINGS. This article shall cover any Society meetings other
than the Executive Committee meetings which are covered in Art. IV,
section 2.b. above.
- General annual meeting --- The general annual meeting of the
Society shall be offered in at least yearly intervals in a
suitable rotated location selected by the Executive Committee at
least two years in advance and publicized in CPN. The emphasis
in such meetings shall be twofold: To provide a forum for
presentation of papers, exhibits, plant show with judging, field
trips and social interchange among members; and to conduct
business of the Society in which members desire direct
participation. However, no by-laws changes shall be passed at
such meetings (since they require vote by all members in mail
ballots), and policy changes and implementations shall require a
majority vote of those present with a minimum 25 percent quorum
present of the total Society membership.
- Policy for general meeting locations --- Such meetings shall be
scheduled in those countries with Society members. The meetings
sites shall be widely rotated geographically in order to offer
maximum opportunity for member attendance, at any one meeting,
and at any meeting over a five-year period. Thus, member
density shall be a consideration; however, other factors such as
general botanical interest of the area, botanical gardens,
transportation access, accommodations, etc. must be considered.
Art. VII: AFFILIATE CHAPTERS. Any existent regional or general
carnivorous plant society or club of ten or more members, or a loosely
knit group of ten or more members with similar interest, may become an
affiliate chapter of ICPS. Localized concentrations of Society members
are also encouraged to form affiliate chapters in order to promote
greater interest and communications. Such affiliate chapters may
establish or retain their own group name with the sublisting "affiliate
chapter of ICPS," may have their own by-laws (approved by the Society
Executive Committee and consistent with these by-laws) for local use,
elect their own officers, and conduct meetings on whatever regular basis
they choose. The Society Executive Committee is authorized to offer
specific advantages to these affiliate chapters such as dues discounts
and other considerations as long as all chapter affiliate members are
also members of ICPS. Affiliate chapters are encouraged to publish news
of their groups and summaries of meetings and field trips in CPN.
Art. VIII: STANDING RULES. Standing rules proposed by the Executive
Committee and within its powers as permitted in these by-laws and
amendments, are in force by a simple majority vote of the Executive
- Normal elective --- Succession of President-Elect. Should a
first-term President choose not to run for a second term even
though nominated, the Vice President (President-Elect) shall
elevate to the Presidency on completion of term, in which case a
new Vice President will be nominated and elected according to
ART. IV. Should the first term incumbent President accept
nomination for a second term, the Vice President will continue
on if he or she so desires for at least that term. If the Vice
President decides not to continue in office, the position will
be open for nomination and election. The Secretary-Treasurer
shall be open for nomination and election each two-year term.
- Emergency succession --- Temporary and permanent. Should a
President die in office, or be so severely permanently or
temporarily incapacitated as to not be able to fulfill his duties
in the opinion of a plurality of the remaining members of the
Executive Committee or otherwise be absent from meetings, or
resign, the Vice President shall immediately assume the Presidency
with all powers of the office on a temporary or permanent
(rest of term) basis as the situation dictates. Should both
President and Vice President be unavailable for the above reasons,
the Secretary-Treasurer is next in line of succession. Should
the Secretary-Treasurer be simply absent, a temporary
Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the President to
finish the term. Any succession to permanent presidency by a
Vice President to end of term shall automatically put the vice
presidency position into nomination for the succeeding term,
the former Vice President being elevated to the Presidency in
the succeeding term by virtue of his position as President-Elect.
Art. X: RULES OF ORDER --- All Executive Committee meetings, general
member meetings and other business meetings shall be conducted by
Roberts Rules of Order. Affiliate chapters are also encouraged to
conduct their business by the same rules in order for any resolutions to
have impact on the Society as a whole.
Art. XI: BY-LAWS CHANGES OR AMENDMENTS. These by-laws are subject to
amendment by substitution of language, addition or deletion of articles,
sections, sub-sections, etc., under the following rules.
- Proposal --- By-laws changes shall not be voted in general or
regional meetings but may be proposed by a simple majority of
those present and then acted on by the President as detailed
below. By-laws changes proposals may also be submitted by mail
in the form of petition by members in good standing with
signatures total amounting to at least 2.5 percent of the total
Society membership in good standing, with a minimum of twenty-
five signatures required. Upon receipt of proposals for
amendment, the President shall appoint a by-laws committee of no
less than five members in good standing who are not officers or
employees of the Society to frame language and proposed changes
as indicated. All such proposals shall then be accumulated and
by-laws changes proposals voted on once annually only.
- Vote mechanism --- All by-laws changes proposals, in proper form
submitted by the by-laws committee, shall be printed in ballot
form and submitted by mail to all members in good standing for
their vote. A simple plurality of ballots returned within 45
days of mailing shall ratify the by-laws. Results of such
voting shall be published in CPN and appropriate changes made in
subsequently distributed printings of the by-laws.
Art. XII: COMMITTEES. The President shall have the power to appoint
special committees as dictated by these by-laws and by the Executive
Committee. Such committees may be temporary or standing depending on
their nature and requirements of the moment and the judgment of the
Executive Committee which shall also appoint chairpersons. All
committee members must be Society members in good standing, may resign
at will, and are subject to replacement by the committee chairperson
and/or the Executive committee.
Art. XIII: DISSOLUTION. The Executive Committee may determine at any
time that the Society be dissolved, at which time all remaining
financial obligations shall be completed or rectified, and all remaining
assets shall be donated to the Fullerton Arboretum and none shall be
returned to members or officers.
Art. XIV: FISCAL YEAR. The Society's fiscal, business and
election year for purposes of all activities shall be calendar year, US PST.
Art. XV: SEVERABILITY PROVISIONS. If any portion, section or clause of
these by laws or the application thereof to a person or circumstance
shall for any reason be declared unconstitutional or held invalid, the
remainder of these by-laws or the application of such portion, section
or clause to other persons or circumstance not be affected thereby.
Modification History
- 6/92
- original version
- 11/95
- minor grammatical and spelling errors corrected
- 1/98
- obsoleted by new corporate bylaws (ICPS inc.)
Rick Walker
rick_walker "AT"