Search Patterns

The CP database is accessed by a keyword search. When you have selected the "show all matching entries" search option, then the keyword will be checked against all lines in each entire record. When you select the "show only valid names" option, then the keyword will only be matched against the "N:" name field. The search string is case-insensitive and may contain blank characters. Standard UNIX regular expression syntax is used.

Some examples:

This string will find all Sarracenia entries.
Sarracenia purpurea
This string will find Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenia purpurea f.heterophylla, and Sarracenia purpurea subsp.gibbosa, among others.
Drosera (capensis|capillaris)
This string will find both Drosera capensis, and Drosera capillaris.
Pinguicula [rd]
This string will find all Pinguicula spp. where the species name starts with either an "r" or a "d".
This tricky example will find all Pinguicula spp. that were described by the botanist Linnaeus. Notice that '.*' stands for any string of characters, and that the curly brackets and the literal period character need to be escaped by back-slashes.
If you search for the keyword "image" with the "show all matching entries" search option, the result will be all the entries that have a picture associated with them.

If you are new to CP, here is a list of scientific generic names and their corresponding names is common usage :

Aldrovanda = "waterwheel plant"
Byblis = "Australian rainbow plant"
Cephalotus = "West Australian pitcher plant"
Darlingtonia = "Cobra lily"
Dionaea = "Venus fly trap"
Drosera = "Sundew"
Drosophyllum = "Portugese dewey pine"
Genlisea = "Corkscrew plant"
Heliamphora = "Venezuelan Sun-pitcher plant"
Nepenthes = "Tropical pitcher plant"
Pinguicula = "Butterwort"
Sarracenia = "North American pitcher plant"
Triphyophyllum = no common name exists
Utricularia = "Bladderwort"
Rick Walker
rick_walker "AT"