What images are suitable for submission to the CPDB?

Take a look at the existing images in the database. You can decide for yourself if the species you have in mind are already adequately covered, or if your images will add extra useful information.

I'm also especially interested in TEXT articles written to accompany the images. If you'd like to make a slide-show somewhat like my pinguicula talk , that would be great! Feel free to link to any already-existing images to illustrate your talk.

OK. So you've already looked through the database and you've got some great images to add. The next question is...

How to submit an image to the CPDB

Basically, you can just email/ftp/web-transfer me a bunch of images, or send me a Kodak PhotoCD of slide scans. Along with the images, I'll need a data file to help me to build the proper HTML page to go along with your images. To automate the process, it works best if you can provide your data in a computer readable format.

I've tried to describe the process below. Please send me some email if any of this is unclear. I'll try to update this page to fix any ambiguities as they arise.

Image generation guidelines:

If you choose to scan your own images, then JPEG files approximately 100-200k in size are best. (GIF images suffer from garish colors due to an 8-bit colormap limitation). The image should be approximately 400-700 pixels on a side.

I think the most appropriate pictures are closeups that will reproduce well at low resolutions. I will need some ID information, photographers name, location data, and anything else worthy of comment.

Many photographers find it convenient to use Kodak Photo-CDs for digitizing their images. The results are excellent, and I can easily import the files into the database if you loan me the disk by mail. You can get about 100 images on a disk. I will also need a data/caption file in computer readable format as described below.

Here's an example of the data format for image submission:

sample data file to accompany images

# start of sample data file 

# you can put comments in your data file by starting the comment line
# with a hash symbol...

NAME: [Nepenthes * ventrata]
DBDESC: multiple views of pitchers in habitat
IMAGE: nvent1.jpg
DESC: Plant with pitchers.
IMAGE: nvent2.jpg
DESC: same as image 0037, but only pitcher
DATE: February, 1990
CREDIT: Pekka Ala-Siuru
A Nepenthes sp. hybrid (coll.P Ala-Siuru).
Previously green-red pitchers turn fully red in bright sunshine.

# If you are submitting previously published images, then you can
# use the PUB and ISSUE keywords. 

NAME: [Nepenthes alata]
IMAGE: 0003.jpg
DESC: A cultivated plant with pitchers.
CREDIT: Photo by Leo Song, scanned by Rick Walker
PUB: Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
ISSUE: v7#1
DATE: March, 1978
PAGE: cover
<em> Nepenthes alata </em>from near Quezon Cith (near
Manila), Luzon Island, Phillipine Islands.  This easily grown
species is part of the CP collection at the California State 
University, Fullerton greenhouse. 
<em>N.  alata</em> is a highly variable species.  
This plant has pubescent pitchers and is planted in a one gallon 
which is about 18 cm high.  

NAME: [Utricularia sandersonii]
IMAGE: usand.jpg
DESC: flowers and scapes
PUB: ACPS bulletin
ISSUE: v13 n2
PAGE: cover
CREDIT: Photo by Barry Meyers-Rice, Scan by Pekka Ala-Siuru
<em>Utricularia sandersonii</em> in full blossom

# end of sample data file 

The NAME: field should be the full scientific name. Please make sure that the name you provide exactly agrees with a valid name in the DB, or else I won't know where to put your image.

IMAGE: is the name of the jpeg file itself. Try to use a name that is likely to be unique. (i.e, don't use vft.jpg :-)) IMAGE: lines should always be followed by a corresponding DESC: line. The "DESC:" field is the short caption that will appear next to your image.

Notice that you can have multiple IMAGE: DESC: pairs for a single entry. These will format to having multiple images on the same html page in the database.

If you only have one IMAGE: DESC: pair in your entry, then the program will use the DESC: line as the reference in the main database. If you have multiple images in your submission, the you can use the PUBDESC: field to give an overall description to appear in the database. It should be as short and descriptive as possible, to give the user an idea of what the picture will be before actually downloading it.

Information in the "TEXT: { }" area should be formatted to html standards. Probably all you need to know for this is that "<em>" starts italic, and "</em>" stops it, and <P> can be used to start a new paragraph. Both the starting "TEXT: {" and the trailing "}" should appear on lines by themselves.

Under the "CREDIT:" field, make sure to give credit to the photographer and the person doing the scan. Here is your chance to immortalize yourself in the CP database! :-).

If you want to send a second bio page or personal photo, I'd be glad to link that into your CREDIT line...

If you are scanning in already published images, then you won't need the PUB:, or ISSUE: directives, then just leave these fields out and use the DATE: field to indicate when the photo was taken.

If you do need to use the "PUB:", "ISSUE:", and "DATE:" entries please note that they are "sticky". That is they don't go away unless you re-issue a new "PUB:" command. This allows you to list multiple scans from the same issue while only updating the "PAGE:" information.

Rick Walker
rick_walker "AT" omnisterra.com