CPers near Orlando

From: Rich Ellis (ricell@juno.com)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 07:27:35 PST

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 08:27:35 -0700
From: Rich Ellis <ricell@juno.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg89$foo@default>
Subject: CPers near Orlando

Greetings all,

I will be at a conference in Orlando next week with a few days left over
to play on January 21 and 22. Unfortunately this is a bad time to see CP
in the wild but I always enjoy meeting with other CPers and seeing how
different folks grow their plants. If there are any commercial nurseries
or anyone in the Orlando area that wants to get together, let me know at
ricell@juno.com or (303) 666-9534.

Thanks, Rich

Boulder, Colorado http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/8564/

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