Hello, and need help.

From: Zbplay@aol.com
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 18:55:36 PST

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:55:36 EST
From: Zbplay@aol.com
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg154$foo@default>
Subject: Hello, and need help.

    Hello, I am David McInnis I am 16 and I live in the Pacific Northwest of
the United States.

    Last spring I bought a Venus fly trap for a school science project.
After the project was over it got attacked by spider mites over the summer.
I put a little too much Orthene on it and OOPS, good by plant.

    So, this fall I bought 2 Sarracenia\342\200\231s from the CP Jungle.
    One Flava
coppertop and one purperia ssp. Purperia. They also sent a free flava
red tube.

    They went dormant this fall, and here I am.

    By the way, on my purple pitcher plant I recently noticed a small (About
the size of my pinky finger) blackish, slimy spot in the wall of one of the
pitchers. It is not on the surface but has affected the entire thickness of
the wall. The spot is considerably softer and more flexible than the rest of
the pitcher wall and is slick to the touch. It is only affecting one of the
older pitchers. My best guess is that it is rot.

    My plant is dormant and is currently spending the winter inside my garage
and I am keeping the soil slightly damp.

    Does anybody know what is happening to my plant and how to help it?

David McInnis

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