Re: wild collected cultivars or new taxa

From: Paul Temple (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 12:43:09 PST

Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:43:09 +0000
From: Paul Temple <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg604$foo@default>
Subject: Re: wild collected cultivars or new taxa

>...wild collected cultivars are perfectly legitimate ...
>Give the name of the originator or collector of this cultivar...

Oh I hate to be a killjoy but - to raise the matter of international
conventions on wild plants, theoretically any body authorised to
"validate" a new cultivar originating from the wild must be placing
itself at risk. The conventions require collectors to have permission
to collect - so unlesss a validating organisation asks whether wild
sourced cultivars were collected with permission, the organisation could
be guilty of validating an illegally collected specimen. This then
leads into a can of worms - e.g. can a person who illegally collects a
specimen be rewarded with validation of their choice of cultivar name?

Now please don't shoot the messenger folks. I think this set of
conventions is very poorly defined and counter productive. Written by
idiots is the phrase that comes to mind. But the convention exists so I
just thought I'd remind y'all of it.



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