U.campbelliana Neblina

From: Isao Takai (isaot4cp@bk.iij4u.or.jp)
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 03:54:00 PDT

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:54:00 +0900
From: "Isao Takai" <isaot4cp@bk.iij4u.or.jp>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1113$foo@default>
Subject: U.campbelliana Neblina

To all epiphytic Utric. fan,

 Every January for the past several years, I have had the pleasure
of seeing botanical specimens, photographs and videotapes which
Shibata-sensei brought away from the tepuis. I enjoy looking at
this material but it made me want the living plants even more.
Fernando-san who was staying in Japan had the same opportunity to
see the specimens. He can understand my feelings. Later he was
actually able to visit one of the sites.

 My main interest is cultivation of the plants. For the long time,
I could not get U.campbelliana in a sterile condition. This is
because usually its seed is difficult to find on the tepui. Flowers
and seed pods are easily found. However, in many cases the seed
pods are empty. According Joe-san, in the 1999 Neblina expedition,
seed pods were also empty. In Shibata-sensei's 2000 Neblina
expediton, she found the seeds at last. Both words 'U.campbelliana'
and 'Neblina' make me very excited.

 When viewed with a microscope or a magnifying glass, a seed can be
seen in the seed coat. I thought that a lot of epiphytic Utric.
fans would be disappointed if I failed. I sent the seed to specific
persons in the world. They are several friends of mine and they are
TC specialist or Utric. specialists. Moreover, I sent the seed to
several TC specialists and Utric. specialists who were recommended
by my friends.

 I succeeded in the germination of U.campbelliana in the following
method. I may also have been able to succeed in usual other methods
in any case. However, I tried the following method as a mere casual
idea. I used 1/10 strength LS medium without agar. I thought that
I would use pure water. However, I reconsidered it when there were
fungus or bacteria contaminations found in it. Most of the seeds
sank into the bottom of the test tubes. At present, I have
approx.10 seedlings and approx.10 pale green colored seeds. A few
seedlings are floating on the surface of the medium.

 I sowed U.alpina (also from Neblina) seed at the same time.
Currently, I have one seedling and it is floating on the surface of
the medium. According Shibata-sensei's photos, videotapes,
Joe-san's photo and his Christmas card, the flower color of U.alpina
Neblina is not pure white and very, very beautiful.

 This method also works ageing seeds of U.jamesoniana(Auyan tepui)
and U.quelchii(Roraima)!

 I have no commercial interest in the plants, only as a cp
enthusiast. But I sent the seeds to some TC specialists and
Utric.specialists in the world. When they have enough quantity, the
plants will known in each district. Even if they don't exist in
your district, don't be discouraged. A few of the people are the
world wide distributers. At least , you will be able to buy it from
them. Even if they are not successful with the original seeds, it
is no problem. I will be able to help them soon.

 I Do want a lot of epiphytic Utric.fans to be able to cultivate
these plants.

Kind regards Isao

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