Re: CP diseases (continued)

Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 16:10:18 PDT

Date:          Mon, 15 May 2000 16:10:18 
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1552$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: CP diseases (continued)

Dear Hideka,

> I guess this kind of study directly benefit CP growers other than some
> obscure molecular study (I am not opposed to this, though) which do not
> necessarily give anything back to a society.

There are supposedly many more opportunities to receive a research
grant for phytopathological research than for what you call obscure
molecular studies. I do not know the figures exactly, but I would
guess that not all ICPS members are interested exclusively in
remedies for pests of ill-managed home-grown VFTs (BTW, there is a cp
FAQ already), and there may even be the odd member who is in fact
interested in taxonomy or evolution. So we should perhaps not try to
polarize among the members but rather to achieve a synthesis of all
the various interests represented.

> Considering the amount of
> annual due (AOS charges $40/year now), ICPS might not have much money (this
> is not a criticism), but this would be certainly they can investigate by
> cooperating with a univeristy diagnostic lab.

? I do not understand what is meant in the quoted sentence.

> If we are still talking about diseases and insects the way we do now
> ("Oh, somebody told me this is this"), the confusion will continue.
> Even starting to make a data base on pests along with pesticides that
> can be used would be great. I am aware that information on pesticides
> quickly changes, though.

How about looking for a grant from industries rather than from the
ICPS, especially if you want to study products that can reasonably
be sold in a market? We are a non-profit society (at least we are
approaching this status), and it would at least look strange if we
were directly involved in the production or improvement of pesticides
(products with which millions of US$$ are earned each year).

Kind regards

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