Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 13:08:41 +0000 From: "Leon Phaby" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg2726$foo@default> Subject: Nepenthes love ants
Hello, I'm completely new to this wonderous list but a comment from an
August posting made me feel I should attempt contact. Hello!
Yes, nepenthes LOVE ants. Or, at least, my khasiana x ventricosa
(emmarene?) can't get enough of them. I live in San Fransisco and last year
my apt. was overrun by ants. I could not get rid of them and they were
driving me crazy! Then I started trapping them & feeding the plants. Oh
boy! One taste of that glorious nectar and they were hooked! I was able to
train the ants to my plant and for months that plant was a happy pig. The
plant is very young, but it has grown about 1 foot, pitchered like mad and
now has 4 shoots growing from it's base.
This experience has completely changed my relationship with our little ant
friends. I miss them terribly since they went away, without a word, I might
add. I see ant invasions at work (a produce market) and wish I could bring
them home with me. Why, I'm almost jealous!
My lovely babies get a regular diet of pillbugs from hillside next door but
it's not the same.
even though they grow like mad, I can tell they miss thier favorite snack.
It's true.
Nepenthes love ants.
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