The other location (in a new botanic gardens approx. 15km away - the
VCPS has a area allocated for growing CP's) also had sandy soil, but the
D. glanduligera were growing on an exposed grassy bank. Again this area
was higher than were other species (e.g. D. spathulata) were growing,
suggesting that drainage is an important factor. The plants here were
larger - this may be due to a higher level of humus etc. in the soil,
but this is just a guess.
I'm going to try growing some of my seed in *pure* horticultural sand,
and some in a 2:1 sand/peat mixture (maybe more sand if it looks too
peaty). I'll let you know the results as they come to hand ...
My D. adelae is growing bigger as predicted (lost original note so don't
know who made the comment - sorry). The new leaves are around 5 inches
long - quite a difference from Adrian Slack's 3 inch "limit" in
cultivation! I may need a bigger terrarium at this rate (or put it in
the less-ideal conditions of the glasshouse the terrarium is in).
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!