I'm glad your plants reached you in good condition. I'll pass on your
compliments in my next letter, along with an order for a D. stolonifera ssp.
porrecta ...
>I wish I knew how to get my U. praelonga to flower. Our esteemed Australians
>have mentioned that theirs do... Boo hoo.
Our plant hasn't flowered yet, but when it does, I'm sure it will have pink
flowers ;-)
>I have gotten a new weed problem in my greenhouse. Everywhere I look I'm
>getting Pinguicula coming up. Problem with this is they could be either
>caerulea, ionantha, primuliflora (two forms), lutea, planifolia, and possibly
>even pumila! Ahhhhh! All were flowering this summer, and although I tried,
>I know (well obviously) I didn't harvest all the seed.
We usually have problems with Drosera peltata seedlings which somehow
manage to get into every pot within a 10 metre radius. Pygmy gemmae are
sometimes a problem when trying to harvest them, although most end up in
your face than in other pots (hint: knock the gemmae onto a sheet of
paper while holding the pot at a 90 degree angle - never try and scrape
them off the rosettes!)
Have collected some P. caerulea seeds - any tips on growing them?