Re: Looking for pot source....:-)

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Mon, 2 Dec 91 09:03:15 MST

>Just received a letter from Paul Kane of Melbourne which stated the
>following apparent official names for: D. stolonifera ssp. monticola
>(= "Alpine Form")

This is interesting information. Thanks for posting it. On other taxanomical
details, I recently got a letter from Allen Lowrie in which he included a
copy of a paper of his describing 7 new Stylidium species, and his next
Stylidium article will describe about 19 more! Just churning them out. I
hope his science is good. He says Vol III of the CP books will be out in
1992, the Australian depression slowing things down a bit. I chided him
about listing some seeds in his catalogue as Polypompholyx, and he told
me (joking?) he thinks Taylor subsumed that genus into Utricularia just
to make the title of his monograph look nicer! Ah well. :)

He labelled a seed packet he sent to me, ``Polyf***ingpompholyx westonii''
(his asterisks). Heh heh heh.

>Orchids by Hausermann has square pots 2 1/2", 3", and 4" for $.10,
>$.20, $.30 respectively. Catalog is free. Write to:

When I look for pots I won't buy them unless they are white (darker ones
heat up too rapidly here) and also unless they are sturdy. I can never
be sure about sturdiness when ordering through the mail. I don't want
to get cheap plastic pots like you get when you buy a six-pack of

Another growing tip: After a lot of experimentation, I've found the best
greenhouse pens are the black ``Sharpie'' ones. They never fade no matter
how much sun they get. I know Mike likes the rough labels you can use
pencils with, but they're a little to difficult to read for my tastes.

>If no Thanksgiving, do Aussies at least have Canberra sauce?

Oh please...

>One of my fluoresent light fixtures is doing funny things. It has a
>tendency to turn itself off for periods of about a half hour, then come
>on again. I

Fluorescents can be pretty cranky. They won't even come on if it's too
cold (or was it too hot?). Check the bulbs----they may need replacing.
Look for a lot of sooty looking build-up near the ends, on the inside
of the bulbs.