Re: seedlings

Email Mujahideen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Mon, 2 Dec 91 10:22:41 PST

>>Well, I'm afraid those two suspected D Auriculata seedlings aren't...their
>>first set of non-cotyledon leaves are out, and they look pretty much like
>>the cotyledons, definitely not drosera-like. Comments, messers Taylor??

Heh heh, I'm not getting any germination yet either, so my
insecurity no longer feels threatened by your apparent success :-).

On a similar note, I must be becoming a real CPer: I'm noticing
small drosera weeds cropping up in various non-drosera pots. I
wonder what they'll be?! Ah, the thrill of mystery.

BTW, how long from germination does it usually take for Nepenthes
to reach a shippable size? I'm going to have a number of extra
nepenthes, not to mention D. indica, when and if my seedlings survive
and grow up, and I'm wondering how long it will take.
>>I hope all you all (usa'ers, at least) had a good dead bird day. I was
>>unfortunate enough to eat with a bunch of carnivores, and had to fill up
>>on potatoes and cranberry sauce. Now that's a hearty meal!!

Well, we didn't have cranberry sauce so you're ahead of me :-).
Didn't they have peas?
>>Barry, how did your wife take to the pots in the fridge?? Mine doesn't
>>seem to mind them much. BTW, the N. x Hookeria you sent is perking up.

Ditto on the x hookeriana (?) rooted cutting I have. If I'm
lucking I'll have my in-office greenhouse working in 2-3 weeks.
I have to construct a lighting fixture for it, which is what will
take the time. I think I'll use 2' flourescent fixtures in
addition to the gimpy 18" skinny gro-lux fixture which comes with
the crystal lite greenhouse, and fabricating a board and bolting
2' fixtures to it will take some effort with the handtools I have,
plus living in an apt. where I have no working space.

It's getting cold out here in CA: it may actually hit freezing
temps sometime soon :-). Now if we could just get some rain.
BTW, current theory seems to be that drought is a natural state
for CA. My theory is that there are just too many people here for
the water supplies available. Which leads to the local bumper
stickers saying "Welcome to California: Now go home!"
