Very well, actually. I guess she's getting used to me after only 3.5 years
of marriage. I got home and when the subject of dinner came up, she looked
at me sort of edgewise and said, ``Well, we could always eat the
Sarracenia `Robs Ontario' ''.
>How long d'ya think it'll take to see some action on the root cuttings you
As for the D. adelae root cuttings, with warmth you'll see something in just
a few weeks. As for any U. pubescens, they may be coming up already!
>Ditto on the x hookeriana (?) rooted cutting I have. If I'm
Rob M had a good point recently when he wrote me supporting Mike's
claim that the X hookeriana is correctly ID'd. He pointed out that the
leaves of that hybrid are fuzzy, fringed with little hairs, just like
ampullaria. Maybe it *is* rafflesianaXampullaria.