I believe that C.C.'s darlingtonia are cultivated, if they
have any for sale. I also know of a place across the bay
which carried "tagged & bagged" d's, which are cheap, bareroot,
and usually half dead, but are sometimes good for a rescue.
C.C. may or may not have cephalotus for sale, and if they do
expect it to be 20-40 dolleros. As for travel, I can't say,
but I don't think they are that sensitive.
C.C. is about a 1.5 hr drive from Burlingame, and there are a couple
of excellent wineries in the same are if you are so inclined, or
need to buy gifts (if they're open this time of year).
In Palo Alto, about 20 minutes from Burlingame in the opposite
direction, am I. You can if you wish see my small and currently
less than excited looking collection outside, plus what I have
in my terrarium. Also in the Junior museum in Palo Alto is a small
collection of CP contributed mostly by Geoff Wong. He lives just
down the street, but I don't know him well enough to invite myself
over. Chuck Powell has his plants and place in San Jose, about
30-40 minutes from Burlingame (he sells too).
C.C. advises calling ahead in the winter months since they aren't
always open. If you are interested, and our schedules co-incide,
I'd be willing to take a trip up there as well.
CP Nurseries
Chuck Powell
2138 Harrison Street
Santa Clara, CA 95050
California Carnivores
Peter D'Amato
Nursery: Mark West Vineyards, off River Rd., 5.5 miles west of 101,
south of Santa Rosa. open 7 days a week, 10-"till about 4pm",
Office (home): Guernville, 707-869-3641