What is the best way to produce a "marl soil" to grow D. linearis?
I woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago and turned on the
TV. I started to watch an old 1935 horror movie called "Mad Love" on TNT.
It was a horror movie starring Peter Lorre, who played a mad doctor that
kills a bunch of people. On his desk, he had a Darlingtonia californica
that looked to be in good shape!
Winter is about half-way through. Took a peek at my Sarracenia
and temperate Drosera outside and they seem to be in good health. It only
snowed once so far this winter.
I finally got the 1985 issues of CPN a few days ago and now have a complete
set of CPN! There is a photo of a guy holding a HUGE pitcher of N.
merrilliana in one of the issues.
Brocchinia reducta is a carnivorous bromeliad that grows near Heliamphora
sites. They look like yellow tubes, maybe a foot tall.