
Thu, 16 Jan 92 18:52:49 EST

Well, I'm back from break. Had a good time while I was home. I met up
with Rolfe Smith in Longwood Gardens. He showed me around the place a
little then took me back to see his Nepenthes. He had some good stuff:
hirsuita, ampullaria ,truncata, maxima, khasiana, and several forms of
alata to name a few.

It seems that Longwood is going to add another tropical room onto the
greenhouse I think that he told me that the room will be suitable for
growing Heliamphora, Darlintonia, and the higher elevation Nepens. So
he's going to be on the lookout for them pretty soon.

He also told me that he might be getting his computer hooked up to a modem
soon, so I gave him my Bitnet address.

Getting late guys,