Re: Allen Lowrie Letter/Neat Seed Additions

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Mon, 16 Mar 92 16:01:14 MST

A good weekend for my plants!

I got germination on my U. westonii and U. simplex from Allen.
U. westonii is sort of an intermediate species between the subgenera
Utricularia and Polypompholyx in Genus Utricularia.

I had a long phone call with a guy named John Hummer, who runs Acid-Wetland
Plants in Virginia. Don Schnell had recommended him as a good Sarracenia
person. He seems to know his stuff. His catalogue is interesting and worth
the $1.50.

Also I got an excellent clone of P.lutea and S. psitticina `Giant' from
Brucie Bender. I got this once before but before I really knew what I was
doing with Sarrs and it rotted out on me. I was impressed when I opened the
box. Leaves 8" long (mostly due to the pitcher tube), a very large globose
hood that had a very interesting keel-shaped ridge to it. My wife looked at
it and with her limited familiarity with CPs said, "It looks like it has
part Cobra lily in it." That comment sums up its appearance very well. I
did not find any indication it might be a hybrid. My bet is that in my
typical Sarracenia culture it will revert to normal S. psitticina form.

So, Mistuh Baumgartner, How long have you been growing your `giant' and
does it seem particularly, er, giant?