Re: Master Growlist

Rick Walker (
Mon, 27 Apr 92 18:36:10 PDT

We'll I went down to see Chuck Powell this weekend. Got some new stuff:

GENUS Drosera
burkeana [] #Chuck Powell 4/25/92 $6.00
coccicaulis (sp?) [] #Chuck Powell 4/25/92 $8.00
cuneifolia [] #Chuck Powell 4/25/92 $10.00
spathulata [] #Chuck Powell 4/25/92 $6.00

GENUS Pinguicula
esseriana [] #Chuck Powell 4/25/92 $6.00

I got some good root cuttings off of the cuneifolia. I already had some
P. esseriana, but my sister wanted some, so I bought a few more rosettes
to break-up into individual leaf cuttings. They really look like they
should root easily. Many of the leaves had already sent out secondary
roots even while attached to the rosette.

BTW, is it spathulata or spatulata - or are those two different plants?

What is the story on Drosera Hybrids? Is there a list of chromosome
numbers or other genetic info somewhere? Is there a rule of thumb as to
which types will successfully cross & which won't. I've got plants
flowering right now, and I wonder if it is worth trying to make some

How about good *comprehensive* CP books: I've got Pietropaolo, Lecoufle,
Slack, Rondeau & Schnell. Lowrie, vol. II is on order. Are there any
major ones that I'm missing? About 10% of the plants I see on various
lists are not listed or described in any of my books. It would be nice
to have a one paragraph description of all known cp's. You could also
pack alot of horticultural info into a concise table. Is there anything
like this or am I dreaming???

On a different subject: I bought a light meter to check out my growing
area. According to several books, (Pietropaolo & Lecoufle) most cp's
like/need a light level from about 800 foot-candles to 1500 foot-candles.
(Daylight is 10,000 ft-c) My terrarium uses *four* six-foot fluorescent
shop lamps and only gets up to about 250 foot-candles. To get up to
1000, I have to put the light meter almost against the bulb.

I don't think that my setup is atypical. Does anyone have any hints
about getting better illumination? I think it is impossible to get
these brightness levels from garden-variety fluorescent bulbs.
