Re: The last great act of defiance.

John Taylor (
Thu, 30 Apr 92 21:04:31 EST

>A while back I was looking at some of last years pitchers
>on my S. flava. I was trimming off the dead parts to keep
>mold away. When I removed the top half of one old pitcher,
>I found the remains of what seemed to be a honey bee. It
>was face down in the pitcher of course, but in it's last
>great act of defiance it had extended its' stinger :-).
> r.

Our pitchers don't often catch bees, but they have great success in trapping
"Blowies" (Blowflies). Often you walk into the greenhouse and hear the frantic
buzzing of their wings against the insides of the pitchers. And they're less
hazardous when it comes to trimming the dead tops...

John Taylor.
Optics Lab. etc.etc.