Personal Intro.

Surly but not Mutinous (
Mon, 27 Jul 1992 19:12 EST

This message is in response to Rick Walker's suggestion that new
subscribers to the Internet CP discussion introduce themselves. It's
pretty boring, so skip it if you're having a hard day.

I just recently began "experiencing" Internet, and I found the
carnivorous plant discussion group/distribution list only the other
day. I know very little about Internet and almost nothing about
carnivorous plants. I'm interested generally in plants - usually the
more unusual and bizarre the better. In the past I've been mostly
interested in succulents (especially _Euphorbia_ and stapleids) and I
still have some, but now I concentrate mainly on orchids. I've mostly
been a "windowsill" grower (i.e. I've never had a greenhouse or
anything similar) and I still don't: I currently grow my orchids on a
light stand in the basement.

My orchids are getting a little boring and I'm looking for a
little change, which explains my presence in this discussion, although
I've always been somewhat interested in carnivorous plants. (Not to
imply that I'm a great orchid grower. Or succulent grower for that
matter - I dabble.) I'm interested in growing CPs under lights "with"
my orchids, although this is not a requirement. From my very limited
experience with CPs, I think that I would like to try Asian pitcher
plants (_Nepenthes_?) or sundews. But I'll need a *LOT* of help.

(Speaking of _Nepenthes_, is anyone else disappointed that
Longwood Gardens [in PA] has ripped out the _Nepenthes_ greenhouse
exhibit to make way for a "Mediterranean garden?" I had always enjoyed
that exhibit immensely. True, they've moved the plants back to the
"fern alley" near the small display of other CPs, but it's not the
same: they're harder to see and it's not as neat. [I liked it when
the fogger went off in the greenhouse - it gave me a real "tropical"

I work at the [Hubble] Space Telescope Science Institue on the
Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. (No
flames, please!) I'd be interested in hearing about any local CP clubs
in the area (broadly defined to be York, PA south to D.C.). I'd also
be interested in chatting with anyone who would so desire.
