Re: Bay Area plant sale this weekend.
Robert Beer (
Wed, 5 Aug 1992 15:55:12 -0700 (PDT)
> >>
> >>I'm not sure if it is recommended, but it seems to me that the plant
> >>can't digest properly unless it has some moisture in the pitcher. I've
> >>gotten into the habit of squirting a couple drops of water into each
> >>pitcher about once a week. If the pitcher hasn't had much luck catching
> >>anything, I will occasionally give it a few drops of weak fertilizer.
> I thought they were supposed to supply their own water, but I've
> often wondered about this.
I would say look at their forms and judge. S. purpurea is open to the
rain, and does often collect rainwater. Over most of its range there are
frequent summer storms which would help keep some water in the pitchers.
When I have seen it in habitat this was the only time there was water in the
pitchers (Northern Minnesota). As for the others, their construction seems
to keep rainwater out..and when they do get full of water they tend to fall
over. Besides, if you look carefully, most of the upright trumptes do have
a small amount of liquid in the base of the leaves. While they are not
"water bath" traps, there certainly does seem to be enough moisture there
to keep things decomposing, and also put in whatever enzymes it is that
Sarracenias produce to help digest their catches.