Well, the Sarr's arrived from my friend in Texas. And here's what's available:
2 S.psittacina (1 to Rick)
2 S.leucophylla (1 to Charles)
1 D. filiformis var. tracyi
A few tentatively ID'd plants:
1 S.rubra x leucophylla?
1 S.rubra?
seed of S.rubra?
1 unID'd Sarr. (trumpet pitcher type, but not enough pitcher present to be
Some of the plants are a bit stressed, so I'll send'm express mail.
I'm asking for return postage (or more plants :)~
I'll send out the orders on Monday or Tuesday next week.
The star of the shipment was a psittacina that was sent to me. Big, old plant.
Rosette bigger than my hand and pitcher about 1"-2" wide at the top. Very
nice. Rick, how big is your giant type psit? Is it mature yet?
On the down side, I sprayed my plants with a fungicide last night (full
strength) and now most of the live sphagnum is going brown. The label says
this can happen in higher concentrations of the stuff. I guess the moss is
sensitive to it. I'm going to rinse the moss off and hope for the best.