U. livida?

Anders Ardo (anders@dit.lth.se)
Sun, 6 Sep 92 18:31:02 +0200

I just got an Utricularia livida, a non-aquatic Utric with small white
flowers, quite nice. The flowers are readily seen but the leaves are hidden
in the moss in the pot. Could someone tell me alittle about this curious plant.
Is it really carnivourous? Has it bladders like the aquatic Utrics? What
insects do it catch? and so on ...
I'd be glad for some hints on growing it aswell.

I have recently converted one of my aquariums to an indoor small greenhouse for
CPs. It is 100 x 60 cm wide and 30 cm high. The plants seem to like it, except
for my Sarr which is to large.

A second project (in fact started today) is to construct a 1 x 2 m outdoor
bog to be connected to my pond. I was planning make a hole about 50 cm deep
line it with a sturdy plastic liner and fill it with a mix of peat and sand.
Finally I plan to get some live moss locally and some of our native CPs
like D. rotundifolia, D. intermedia and D. longifolia together with other
native bog-plants.
Does it sound feasible? Comments anyone?


Anders Ardo Tel: int+46 46 107522
Dept. of Computer Engineering fax: int+46 46 104714
University of Lund, P.O. Box 118 Internet: anders@dit.lth.se
S-221 00 Lund, Sweden or anders%dit.lth.se@uunet.uu.net