Drosera seeds

Dr. Ch. Wawrosch/Prof.Dr. B. Kopp (A8471DAB@helios.edvz.univie.ac.at)
Fri, 26 Feb 93 15:16:50 MEZ

thank you for your answer, I finally managed to go through the email
today and found your nice list. Unfortunately Prof. Kopp left earlier
today, so I can't go through the list with her. So I'm afraid we'll
have to wait till Monday, then I will discuss with her which one of
your species could be of interest for our project.
In the meantime I will look for the _D.hilaris_ and _D.capensis 'Mary
Goes Round'_ seeds for you. Please be so kind and let me know your
mailing address!

Anybody else got some spare seeds for science????

Have a nice weekend y'all,


Prof.Dr. Brigitte Kopp Institut f. Pharmakognosie
Dr. Christoph Wawrosch Universitaet Wien

Waehringer Str. 25 A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel.: +43-222-402 43 51 Fax.:+43-222-403 05 43