Re: _D.capensis

Dr. Ch. Wawrosch/Prof.Dr. B. Kopp (
Thu, 04 Mar 93 12:08:55 MEZ

I agree with John on what concerns propagation through leaf cuttings.
All of the about (only) 8 _D.species_ which we got as in vitro cultures
are easy to propagate that way. What concerns root cuttings we tried
only 3 _D.capensis_ varieties, it works John says I believe
that most of the _D._ can be propagated by these mentioned vegetative
techniques. But indeed: for mass propagation seeds are surely the better

Cheers, Chris.

Prof.Dr. Brigitte Kopp Institut f. Pharmakognosie
Dr. Christoph Wawrosch Universitaet Wien

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