repotting report

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Sun, 7 Mar 93 17:18:38 PST

I've spend this weekend repotting my small
collection. It's now slightly smaller as I've
removed the casualties from this damp winter.

I had a number of Sarracenia, including some
unknown hybrids, which I put in a group planting
in some undrained, hemispherical pots. I expect
these will look quote nice once my Sarrs start
to come up. I expected some sign of growth by
now actually, but it should happen soon in any

I've come to the conclution that most CP grow
better if the plant has *plenty* or root room.
I think this may help regulate heat and moistness
better than a small pot can, particularly if you
water with the trap method. In particular I've
potted up my tropical Pings in a single plastic
trough made by Acro-Mills. If this goes well,
as I expect it to, it should look fantastic when
the plants start blooming.

Now I have some room to start some Nepenthes
cuttings outdoors.

Ah well, enough. My back is sore...
