Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, ...

Sunil Gupta (sg@monsoon.com)
Fri, 12 Mar 93 17:14:11 EST

Hi Guys. I'm quite excited by my CP coming out of dormancy and am
considering expanding my collection. I'd like to grow Cephalotus
follicularis, and I've read the pertinent parts of Slack, Cheers,
etc... From what I've been able to determine, this species really
wouldn't get along with the conditions required by my other CP
(mostly sarrs). Does anyone have growing tips for this species
in a temperate climate (Baltimore/Washington)?

Also, I'm considering repotting my Darlintonia in clay pots, as
the evaporation through the pots should help to keep the roots
cool. Has anyone else tried this?

Finally, I have a few spare aquariums, so I thought I would try
to grow some Aldovandra and aquatic Utricularia in these. Is this
a good idea?

Sunil Gupta
Monsoon Software, Inc.