Don (dngess01@vlsi.ct.louisville.edu)
Wed, 31 Mar 93 20:52:42 -0500
It has only been 10 days since the Sarracenia was brought out of dormancy
(they were buried in the back yard and put under a foot of dead leaves). The
Sarracenia flava are just now starting to flower. A few days ago, I looked
in the refrigerator at my dormant D. linearis and was surprised that it has
started growing too. As for squirrels, there are lots around here but they
have never been a problem at all. The biggest problem is with neighborhood
cats (or I should say the problem is with their owners). Also, a few times
a year, the odor of a skunk is smelled around the house, but I've never seen
one nearby. Raccoons are found only in the countryside in these parts.
The temperature has been above freezing since the plants have been out, but
this weekend the forcast calls for 30-35 F lows and highs only in the 40's.
I wrote to Bruce Bednar about our N. x "hookeriana?". He said before that
this was probably N. x dominii v. intermedia and was a hybrid between
N. rafflesiana and N. hirsuta (given as N. rafflesiana x N. gracilis on the
World CP List). I'll guess and say the Bruce thinks N. hirsuta is a parent
by the slightly amplexicaul leaf base of our plant.