Re: P. alfredae & Royal Hort. Soc. CP book

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Fri, 2 Apr 93 16:17:39 MST

>Interestingly, some Bignoniaceae and Martyniaceae (Pedaliaceae not yet
>tried, to my knowledge), and Scrophulariaceae have the movements, too.
>So the genes fo

Well now you have me interested. I have a few Scrophs in the garden and
a some representatives from other families in the yard and area, so will
toy with them in the future. I'll also fiddle with the other _Utric_
section _Utric_ plants I come across to examine this behavior more
fully. My _U.gibba_ is about to flower again, for example..

I have a recent journal article that classifies CP and various genera
from a cladistic point of view. Although I didn't put too much weight in
the article, I think I'll look it up to see what other genera are suspect.


>What genera are we talking about here? Is there a FAQ or list of
>carnivorous plants with common and latin about families?


As Jan covered the families, I'll note the genera:
_Sarraceniaceae: Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, Heliamphora_
_Droseraceae: Drosea, Dionaea, Drosophyllum, Aldrovanda_
_Nepenthaceae: Nepenthes_
_Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia, (Polypompholyx), Pinguicula, Genlisea_
_Cephalotaceae: Cephalotus_
_Byblidaceae: Byblis_
_Dioncophyllaceae: Triphyophyllum_ (spelling?)

I put the entry _Polypompholyx_ in parentheses because that is a genus
which had been absorbed into _Utricularia_ in 1988, but most reference
books don't note this.

The last families Jan alluded to contain the probable carnivores
_Catopsis_ and _Brocchinia_ (in _Bromeliaceae_), the possible carnivore
_Martynia lutea_ (in _Martyniaceae_) and the non-carnivore Roridula
(in _Roridulaceae_).

That was kind of fun---a little memory game. Now if you're really bored
see how many species you could name!

>Being in Montana we only have Drosera rotundifolia...and I've never
>seen it. So, I am a little unfamiliar with the others.

Hmmm. Not checking my range maps, you might also have a _Utricularia_
or two (_U.minor_, _U.ochroleuca_, or _U.macrorhiza_ are possibilities).