> Here's a copy of my growing list.
Got it. It's now in the archives. Thanks!
Here's a list of everyone in the current list:
------- --------------------
RA Robert Allen
DB Don Burden
MC Michael Chamberland
PC Phoebe Couch
TM Tom Markson
BAMR Barry Meyers-Rice
DMcC David McConachie
DS Davin Stewart
RW Rick Walker
Peter D'Amato said that a paper, soon to be published, analyzes DNA of
various CP and concludes that _Byblis_ is most closely related to
_Pinguicula_ *not* _Drosera_!
There was another oddity, which I can't fully remember, that concluded
that "X" was most closely related to _Roridula_. (X = _Cephalotus_?)
The March-April 1993 issue of "American Scientist" has an article
titled "Excitability in Plant Cells" by Randy Wayne that briefly mentions
some CP. There are two photos: _Dionaea_ and _Drosera rotundifolia_.
Regarding _Byblis gigantea_ seed treatment, the recipe that I have suggests
a solution of 1g gibberellic acid powder to 1 liter H20. Soak seeds for
12 hours prior to planting. According to Allen Lowrie, you will get *no*
germination without this (or some other) treatment.
-- Rick