Re: mixta vs maxima
Fri, 14 May 1993 12:30:19 -0800 (PDT)

> > I have an unidentified plant I bought from Severin's orchid farm which
> > I think is either a N. maxima or N. Mixta. Can someone give me an idea
> > of how to distinguish between these two plants? All of the photographs
> Am interested in Severin's orchid they have a catalog...
> Thanks..

Not exactly. This is classic case of a mom and pop operation. They don't
even have most of their Nepenthes labelled. Stop by and see what they have
is my best advice. I went back their a couple of weeks ago and bought what
appears to be:
1. N. x Mixta (or Maxima)
2. N. x Rokko
3. a couple of other BIG Nepenthes without labels.

I'm certain they don't do mail order.
