Re: CP

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Tue, 8 Jun 93 12:44:58 PDT

>>My only Darlingtonia was doing great after a winter in my basement under
>>lights. The pitchers are about a foot tall and there are about 25 on the
>>clump. I moved the plant outside and the flies came in droves. Now
>>several of the newer pitchers are browning where the concentration of
>>flies in the base of the trap is the greatest. Note, it isn't browning
>>where the leaf contacts the rhizome, but up a cm or two. Any ideas as to
>>what is causing this. It is disturbing on such a nice plant. Should I
>>move it back inside?

This may be from the flies causing the leaf to go
necrotic. Gordon Snelling says he plugs his pitchers
with cotton balls to keep this from happening, but
this seems a bit ridiculous to me. The plant should
grow larger from the bugs, and it's natural for the
old leaves to die. If it was my plant and I figured
the browning was from the bugs, I'd probably let nature
take its' course, as long as the plant didn't die.

Oh, I think I've reached the next level of CP godhood.
As a low level CP deity I got drosera weeds. But
this morning I found a, gasp, Sarracenia weed in one
of my pygmy drosera pots. I have no idee what is or
where it came from, since I don't think I've ever had
any seed which could germinate like this. The plant looks
to be may 1/2 year old...
