This may be from the flies causing the leaf to go
necrotic. Gordon Snelling says he plugs his pitchers
with cotton balls to keep this from happening, but
this seems a bit ridiculous to me. The plant should
grow larger from the bugs, and it's natural for the
old leaves to die. If it was my plant and I figured
the browning was from the bugs, I'd probably let nature
take its' course, as long as the plant didn't die.
Oh, I think I've reached the next level of CP godhood.
As a low level CP deity I got drosera weeds. But
this morning I found a, gasp, Sarracenia weed in one
of my pygmy drosera pots. I have no idee what is or
where it came from, since I don't think I've ever had
any seed which could germinate like this. The plant looks
to be may 1/2 year old...