P. agnata

Mon, 21 Jun 93 08:42:59 pst

I've had a small Ping. agnata (about 3" rosette) for about a year now.
It bloomed all winter indoors in a sunny window. I've moved it outside
now that it's hot, and over the last month it's really doing poorly.
The outer edges of the leaves have turned brown in a kind of scalloped
shape, yet there's new growth in the center of the rosette. I checked
the roots for worms, and found none. It's in full sun for most of the
day, but shadowed at noon. I've been watering from the top daily. It's
in a 6" plastic pot, in the original vermiculite/soil mix from the
grower I bought it from. Any hints? More/less sun? Perhaps less
water, since it's Mexican?
