Nepenthes X hookeriana (the id of this individual has been debated)
N. margareta X mirabilis
N. X rokko
N. X superba
Pinguicula ehlersae (or cyclosecta, help! how do I tell?)
Utricularia calycifida (green)
U. subulata
These guys are the real survivors. At ASU I left a terrarium under lights
and it still has Drosera capensis, D. adelae, and Utricularia pubescens (
and probably more).
The Nepenthes are actually doing rather well. This is probably because I went
back to watering them with distilled water after a year of tap water from a
cheap counter-top filter system. Hey, I had heard that Nepenthes tolerate
hard water! Really guys! (I had better run now befor the rocks start