Earl Nishiguchi (earln@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu)
Fri, 16 Jul 93 10:18:15 HST

> >>Anybody out there have N Ampullaria, or know a source for this species??
> This plant is hard to get, and requires very hot conditions (80-90
> degrees F) to be truly happy. I have a green form which after nearly
> two years isn't a heck of a lot larger than when I got it. I recently
> repotted it into new media and it's now growing again (live spaghnum
> was the media of choice two years ago, but mine broke down, and I'm
> now using peat/perlite/orchid bark with success).
> Everyone wants N. ampullaria, but it's tough to find. I already owe
> one cutting to someone, when my plant is big enough to cut.
> Unfortunately the plant isn't big enough to use as standard trading
> material. I don't know of anyone who's selling it. I do know of a
> guy who has a couple of cuttings he's rooting, but he's saving those
> for some trade or another.
> With the increase in meristem culture I expect to see this plant
> become more available in a few years, but that's a ways in the future.

Sounds like my kind of plant if it likes very hot conditions...we've been
having humidity and temperatures in the 80's without any trade winds the
past couple of days...