I use almost exactly the same mix for Nepenthes. Interestingly enough,
A while ago, I planted a strange hybrid I picked up in a mix of
70% peat to 30% perlite and it is doing extremely well, too. I've also
seen very vigorous Nepenthes potting only in Orchid bark.
Interesting Note: A while ago, I asked whether N. Hirsuta should be
grown as a highland or lowland. Well, I stopped by California Carnivores
over the weekend and wanted to let people know that Peter D'Amato grows
his as a lowland variety (i.e. In the stove house).
Oh, Robert, did you ever end up repotting those Cephalotes plants from
the last BACPS meeting? I feel like I should, but I'd hate to have them
die back to their roots. Did yours?