I'll see if I can get the _P.kondoi_ to set seed by selfing. If I
get any seed I'll send some to you.
I have a large variety of soil mixes I use, depending on the plant. Typical
media are pure milled _Sphagnum_, varying sand/peat mixes (1:2---3:2), pure
peat, pure vermiculite, peat/sand/perlite, live _Sphagnum_. I also sometimes
use top dressings of sand or live _Sphagnum_. It depends on what I'm growing.
I get my live _Sphagnum_ from my plants---usually there are a few pots with
the moss growing a bit excessively. I'd like more though!
The soil mix of pure perlite with a _Sphagnum_ top dressing is interesting.
P.S. Bruce Bednar has been a past source for various _Vanilla_ species.