
William Low (
Mon, 26 Jul 93 16:10:04 PDT

My name is William Low. I am an Electrical Engineering Master's
student at the University of British Columbia located in Vancouver,
Canada. Thanks to Robert Allen's generous donation, my CP collection
has quintupled. (I had one venus fly-trap before :-) I now have a
venus fly-trap (don't know the species name), D. capensis, D. x "Watari",
Utric Prehensilis and one more unknown plant.

The last four plants are growing in a fish tank and the venus fly-trap
(VFT) is growing in a large bottle (about 1ft diameter 2.5ft high)
with a small hole cut in the side. (I think it used to hold one of
those "ships in a bottle".)

I thought that a healthy VFTs should be dark red on the insides
of the traps. I've seen some small plants that have this characteristic,
but our VFT is fairly green. The plant is about 6" in diameter and
it even produce flowers (once in the middle of winter!). Any advice
as to what is wrong? (A side question: Do venus fly-traps actually
attract insects? I have never observed an insect that seem to be
attracted to the traps.)
