
Seos mac Carthaigh (
Wed, 8 Sep 1993 17:12 GMT


I haven't come across fiberglass sheeting.. yet.

I am kinda lucky as a friend down the road is a landscape gardener who grows
his own plants - his tunnel is 80ft long, and more are planned. He gave me the
bits for this one, poles and propper uv-something plastic, for nothing and is
become one of my favorite people ;-)

Storms have the advantage that when these industrial size units get destroyed,
they get insurance - and their mates get the bits to make little hoophouses

I have set the hoops 8"-1ft into a pits filled with rubble and cement. The
ends of the plastic will be buried, for stability, and to help keep the
creatures in/out. There are three hoops, a central ridge pole, and
strengthing poles running from the base of the centre hoop up to the end hoops.
So it should be stable enough. My plot is reasonable sheltered by surrounding
forest anyway.

Bob Rahj: I haven't forgotten the ping location info i promised you. I am
awaiting a chance to go down to co Cork to get some def. P. grandiflora to
send you along with it.

