Re: CP
Don (
Thu, 9 Sep 93 22:25:13 -0400
>Are the stigma lobes of your unIDed pygmy _Drosera_ club-
>shaped (i.e. widest near the apex, as in _D.pygmaea_) or rather
>fusiform (widest near middle, like in many forms of
>_D.leucoblasta_), or filiform and narrow throughout (like in
>_D.chrysochila_)? I suppose inflorescences are single-flowered,
>and corolla colour is purely white, right?
>If your plant looks like _D.pygmaea_, it could be a 5-petalled
>aberrant form of _D.pygmaea_ (if it is from E AU, but such forms are not
>known to me yet), or you could have a form of _D.occidentalis_ (if it is
>from SW AU, this seems more probable).
The plants have stopped flowering so I can't take a close look at them now.
There are still a few dead scapes still on the plants. From what I remember,
the flowers had four orange club-shaped stimgas very similar to those of
D. pygmaea arranged as in a "+" sign, had five petals instead of four, and up
to 10 flowers per scape on the unidentified plant. The petals were definitely
pure white and not pale pink. In my batch of typical D. pygmaea of about 200
plants, most produced scapes of single flowers with four petals and four
stigmas. There were also odd plants that produced a scape with two flowers,
flowers with five petals or five stigmas instead of four, and there was one
that had seven petals! These were non-symetrical in most cases. It was
noticable that the D. pygmaea plants that grew a single flower scape of a
flower with five petals had the extra petal overlapping another.