Re: Sarracenia seeds

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Wed, 15 Sep 93 17:24:19 MST


Rob's advice is sound. Since you live in N.J. you can avoid putting the
seeds in the fridge and just store them in a chilly part of your house.
Avoid letting them freeze---you just want a few months of moist chilly
conditions. I used to take my fall seeds and store them in the
fridge (in moist pots). Now I just pot them immediately and put them
in the greenhouse. They get cold treatment over the winter, and some
germinate early giving me plants sooner.

Incidentally, in his instructions, Rob wrote:

>viable. If you don't freeze them then germination will
>be sparse, if you get any.

I think this is a little ambiguous. The point is, *do not* freeze the
seeds. The only seed I have ever found it's good to freeze are very
cold environment plants. For example, _D.linearis_.


P.S. If confronted with a rattlesnake, just grab its tail. That way it
can't sting you.
(how's that for distributing misinformation?)