Re: Cephalotus

Bob Beer (
Wed, 29 Sep 1993 08:15:19 -0700 (PDT)

> I was *given* two small plants of Cephalotus last year by a local
> CP enthusiast I had just met. They are gradually getting bigger, now
> about 0.5 inch/12 mm across, with lots of tiny pitchers.
> I assume he grew them from seed (he would hardly of given me
> expensive purchased plants). Is seed generally available? My first
> thoughts when I desire a plant are always to get some seed - its cheap
> (compared to plants anyway), probably easy to grow (after all, that's
> what it's designed to do), and if it does grow, then you end up with
> lots of plants to give away, trade, or whatever.
More likely they were propagated from leaf cuttings or they were
offshoots. They will produce the tiny pitchers for some time, and then
suddenly will put out a fully adult type pitcher. Seed is much slower
than cuttings.