Re: Cephalotus

Tue, 28 Sep 1993 17:54:05 -0700 (MST)

Barry, what do you think of CP with field locality data. Is this not
"admitting" that the plants were field collected? (ok, perhaps they were
collected as seed, or are props from a single field collected plant, or
part of a salvage operation, but how to tell?).

Hmm, I think Allen Lowrie field collects, doesn't he?

Oh, Tom has said he'd be interested in getting Martynia/Proboscidea seed
for the seed bank, if either of us have any surplus.
--Oh, yeah, and if I forgot to mention, that rare Proboscidea from Texas
which we were growing at the garden (Proboscidea scabulosa) DID turn out to
be noticably more gladular than the local sp.
