Thu, 7 Oct 93 12:25:04 EDT

I'm glad to see that everyone approves. All of your suggestions,
especially making such a book available on an Internet site
somplace is great! But, I dare say that not everyone who grows
Nepenthes will have access to Internet. So, why don't we start
forming a game plan.

1) Compile a list (here of course, I will collect the names and
addresses of those you reccomend) of those people not reachable
by Internet.

2) All of those people who are interested in participating will
send color photos of their specimens next to some reference point
along with some cultural information. The person who sent the
photo will have their name associated with the picture and

3) We decide on what form the book should be stored in. So far we

1) Color Photostat
2) Standard format scan (perhaps PIC or something)

As for my vote, I say we keep it simple for now. I would be willing
to foot some of the bill for converting the pictures to color stats
(like they use in magazines). Of course, scanning would be virtually
free to the person with the scanner.

Let's have some input....
