Visit to National Botanical Garden

Mon, 18 Oct 1993 19:14:16 -0400 (EDT)

This past weekend I ventured into the National Botanical
Garden near Capitol Hill. They had a small bog garden which
included several species of Sarraceniae, Droserae, and Pinguiculae,
along with Dionaea Muscipula. I asked one of the employees about
Nepenthes, and she responded that they had a collection in one
of their greenhouses. Once in a while they take one of the plants
and put it in the bromeliad room for show.

I asked whether I could phone the person who maintains the
collection, and I was given a number and the name Jim McLaughlen (sp?).
I phoned Jim today, and he verified that he maintains a fairly large
collection of Nepenthes in one of the Garden's off site greenhouses.
He has all the Nepenthes I have except for x dominii intermedia (the
others I have are Alata, Wrigleyana, Khasiana, and Boissiensis rubra).
I wouldn't be surprised if some people in this mail group have
traded with Jim before, since he seems to have been involved with
cp's for some time and has traded with many people. He mentioned
receiving many Nepenthes from John Hummer.

Jim said that he could arrange a tour of the Nepenthes
greenhouse--it turns out that the greenhouse isn't far from where
I work (pleasant surprise) and I can tour it during lunch hour. He
also said that he's tentatively planning a tour on a Sunday this
Spring, for the cp enthusiasts in the area (I guess he's referring to
his own contacts). I told him that I'd be interested, and I also
mentioned this mail group. There were postings in this group
about the Washington DC area cp enthusiasts getting together. If
Jim's plans come through then I'll post them here.

He prunes his Nepenthes regularly and discards the cuttings.
He said that I'd be welcome to the cuttings, to try to root them.
(In passing, he remembered when he first started growing Nepenthes
he would NEVER discard plant material. He says that he's jaded now,
so he never gives it a second thought). I hope to discover whcih
plants he has (I know he does NOT have rajah), and to perhaps root
some cuttings. It may be a good source of new plants.
I received my issue of the cp newsletter today. It's
