I found the name of that hybrid

Mon, 25 Oct 1993 14:36:08 -0400 (EDT)

The hybrid Nepenthes at the National Botanical Garden which had
enormous cylindrical pitchers is called Nepenthes Tom Payne. I
don't know which parents produced the plant, but I might be
able to find out. It was a strikingly beautiful specimen, with
mottled red pitchers about 10 inches high and 3.5 inches in

Jan, you mentioned that the N. Rajah specimen at Kew has a pitcher
that is large enough to cover the herbarium sheet (I think thosw
were the words you used). I'm not familiar with herbarium sheet so
I can't get a feel for how large the pitcher is. Your volume
description of 2 liters was easier to comprehend.
