The Silverhill Seeds address is 18 Silverhill Crescent, P.O. Box 53108,
Kenilworth 7745, RSA. Tel:(021) 762-4245
They have the following seeds available at $2 (US) per pkt. Shipping is $2 or
10% of order, which ever is greater.
Byblis liniflora
Dionea muscipula
Drosera adlinsiae
D. aliciae
D. auriculata
D. binata
D. burkeana
D. burmanni
D. capensis
D. capillaris
D. cistiflora
D. collinsiae
D. dielsiana
D. formosa
D. glabripes
D. graniticola
D. hilaris
D. intermedia
D. lovella
D. montana
D. natelensis
D. nitidula
D. peltata
D. puchella
D. pygmaea
D. 'rainbow sundew'
D. rotundifolia
D. sp.
D. spathulata
D. spathulata formosa and lovella
D. stenopetala
D. trinervia
D. villosa
Drosophyllum lusitanicum
Nepenthes ventricosa
Sarracenia leucophylla
Utricularia capensis
U. livida
This was from their July 1993 seed list. They also have about 10 pages of
succulent seeds (native S. African mostly) also.