Re: CP

Tue, 02 Nov 1993 21:18:48 -0700 (MST)

Ha Ha! No actually Barry, the "scarcity of Sarracenia" I mentioned
should have read "scarcity of large Sarracenia". Reading your plant
list makes one envision banks and banks of plants, but really, most
are seedlings, and Sarracenia seedlings are just soooo boring. And then
you have all those anthocyanin-free mutants. Just what is the attraction
of these pale grassy plants? They always seem so feeble. And like, no
one gets excited for "anthocyanin-free Nepenthes alata" or "all-green
Pinguicula planifolia"! All these Sarracenia forms! Harumff!
Sarracenia minor "giant", Sarracenia rubra "green form", Sarracenia
oreophila "lowland form", they seem so... oxymoronic! :-) :-) :-)

Note, the above diatribe is to be interpreted as humor (note the smiley
indicator :-) and in no way reflects real conversation betwen Barry and
me, the likes of which, simply defies description! :-)
