(no subject)

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 3 Nov 1993 10:03:38 +0800

>>Ha Ha! No actually Barry, the "scarcity of Sarracenia" I mentioned
>>should have read "scarcity of large Sarracenia". Reading your plant
>>list makes one envision banks and banks of plants, but really, most
>>are seedlings, and Sarracenia seedlings are just soooo boring. And then
>>you have all those anthocyanin-free mutants. Just what is the attraction
>>of these pale grassy plants? They always seem so feeble. And like, no
>>one gets excited for "anthocyanin-free Nepenthes alata" or "all-green

Don't bet on it. At a local auction I saw a "Nepenthes
sanguinea -- all green form". I mean, what's the point?
(of course I bid on it since it was highland, but I wasn't
about to pay $40+ for it.).

>>Note, the above diatribe is to be interpreted as humor (note the smiley
>>indicator :-) and in no way reflects real conversation betwen Barry and
>>me, the likes of which, simply defies description! :-)

Or is that "defiles description"?